Savannah Ogeechee Canal Museum and Nature Center is proud to be a part of Georgia’s Colonial Coast Birding Trail. The 184-acre Nature Center consists of beautiful bottomland hardwood forests (i.e., swamps) as well as mixed pine-hardwood forests that support a wide diversity of birds throughout the year. To date, 146 different species of birds have been recorded at the Savannah Ogeechee Canal Nature Center. The species diversity at the Nature Center varies with each changing season.
An abundance of songbirds, woodpeckers, wading birds, and raptors can be found all year round at the Nature Center. During spring and fall migration, the bottomland hardwood and mixed pine forests across coastal GA serve as important stopover sites for migratory birds as they travel from wintering grounds in South and Central America to their summer breeding grounds in North America. In the spring, some of the migratory birds will stay in this area to breed, while others will continue on their northward journey after they’ve had a chance to rest and refuel. During fall migration, the travel pattern is reversed as birds return to their wintering grounds, with some species staying to overwinter in this area.